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Public Skating

Public skating calendar view & ticket purchase

Tickets can be purchased on-line or at the door!


click on the Public Skating Calendar link above for The schedule as time varies per day.

Weekend/Holiday Admission Price
(Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday, Holidays and School Holidays, December 20th-January 2nd)
Public Admission: $12.00
Public Admission + Skate rental: $16
Age 5 & Under Admission: $5

(Skate rental included)

Weekday Admission Prices
(Monday- Thursday & Friday daytime)
Weekday Public  Admission: $10.00
(Skate rental incl. if needed)
Age 5 & Under Admission: $5
(Skate rental included)

Kids Skating Aid: 
Skate Aids can only be used for children under 54" height
(not available online, first come basis)

 Late Skate: College/High School Nights:

18+ Years with Valid Student ID: $10 includes skate rental



  • Dress for cool weather. Long pants, sweatshirts, and gloves are recommended
  • Anyone on the ice must be wearing skates. 
  • Absolutely no carrying children on the ice. 


Polar Ice NC does not allow leg extension moves during a Public Skating session.

Coaching Requirements during Public Skating Sessions:

  • All coaches that teach lessons during Public Skating sessions must have the approval of the rink GM and Regional Skating Director.
  • Coaching requires a background check and proof of liability insurance.  
  • No more then 2 students at a time
  • Lessons must be conducted with the same direction of travel and cadence as all other skaters on the ice. Lessons cannot be conducted in the opposite direction of travel nor in the corners or creases. If your lesson requires frequent stopping, please move your lesson within the 4 cones at center ice.


We do not offer refunds, in order to receive a credit or transfer your registration to a different day, we need a 2 hour notice before session starts by emailing


Polar Ice NC does not allow unscheduled birthday celebrations in the lobby or snack bar of our facilities. Please email our Guest Services Director, Lana Quzah to discuss options.

Polar Ice Cary

Contact Us

1410 Buck Jones Rd

Raleigh, NC 27606

